HP has named Sord Data Systems as an Amplify Impact 3-Star Partner for driving sustainability From training our employees to leading our sales with sustainability, we are helping customers make an impact, too
Sord has joined Switch to Zero to offset our Carbon Footprint
Sustainability Policy
We are dedicated to championing sustainability for the betterment of our environment. We acknowledge the lasting consequences of
our actions have on the planet and thus have incorporated numerous strategies to curtail our carbon emissions and lessen our ecological impact. We will track our progress in this regard by monitoring our businesses Carbon footprint.
We believe that transport fuel usage in our
fleet and the use of electricity in our offices are our main impacts, and we will address these issues as a matter of urgency. It is our intention to
reduce the quantity transport fuel used at Sord Data Systems to an absolute minimum by a combination of conservation and avoidance practices. Similarly, we will embark on an energy conservation programme in order to address this excessive usage. In this regard we have set a detailed three-year programme in order to fully implement an ambitious transport fuel use and electricity usage reduction practices (among other things). We are confident that when fully rolled out we will be among the best IT equipment supplier and service providers in the entire country in terms of Transport fuel reduction and energy conservation.
In addition to addressing Sord Data Systems direct company’s environmental aspects, we will work closely with our suppliers and customer partners to ensure that sustainability matters are important to them, and a key consideration of work they do on our behalf.
Our ultimate objective is to become a Carbon neutral business by 2031 through a combination of offsetting and demand-side eduction/management. Sord Data Systems will reach Net zero status by 2035.
To achieve this status we will, at all times, embrace the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) approach to running our company i.e. People, Planet,
Profit. We value the people who make this happen and the planet which enables it in the first place as much as the financial profit which the business enjoys. In addition, we will run our activities in strict accordance the 4 Rs approach (Reuse, Recover, Repurpose and Recycle) to achieve
this. We will work with our suppliers and clients to ensure that they join us on this journey. In addition, we will investigate new or refined Holiday
destination business models to assist us meet our objectives.
We are committed to continually improving our sustainability practices and to doing our part in protecting the environment for future generations.
Sustainability Commitment
Sord Data Systems recognises that sustainability is a critical aspect of doing business. We have made a commitment to operate in a way that reduces our environmental impact, and we
strive to achieve this goal every day. We believe that every business has a responsibility to contribute to environmental protection, and we have taken several steps to ensure that we do our part.
Our environment is important to us, and we therefore aim to enhance it any way we can. We therefore propose to run our business strictly
in accordance with the principal of triple bottom line reporting i.e. People, Planet, Profit. We value the people who make this happen and the planet which enables it in the first place as much as the financial profit which the business enjoys. This is the way we will conduct our business as it evolves to a Carbon neutral entity by 2031 and then a Net zero and below by 2035.
A comprehensive environmental improvements programme is currently being prepared by the business which will enable this.
We commit to becoming a Carbon neutral business by 2031 and Net zero and below by 2035. We will demonstrate that we are on track to achieve these goals through a year-on-year reduction in our business Carbon footprint. We will achieve Carbon neutrality by a combination of demand side resource reduction, constituent substitution and/or targeted Carbon offsetting.
WEEE Registration Number: 02718WB